How Radiology aids Dental Implant Placement

  • August 29, 2017
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The famous personality, Bill Gates once said that if you want to differentiate your company from the rest, you must do an outstanding job with available information. Your success depends upon how you collect, manage and make the use of the collected information.

The above statement applies to the dental field too. Digital technology has transformed our lives in every sphere and it is transforming the world of dentistry as well.

Cone beam Imaging has revolutionized the world of dentistry. It is aiding dentists to collect qualitative data that can help him in correct diagnosis and effective treatment planning. Dr. J Robert Friedberg, who is a periodontist by profession, believes that this technology has taken the procedure of dental implants to the next level. The better image quality has ensured higher success rates in this field.

According to Dr. Friedberg, before starting the procedure he took a cone beam scan of the area to be implanted to evaluate the 3D structure. Conventional radiographic techniques used to give a two dimensional image. But with the help of cone beam, Dentists can get a 3D image of the area through which they can interpret the density of the bone at the implant site.

Cone beam technology also helped Dr. Friedberg to find the associated nerves in the area so that they can be spared. It used to be a very tedious procedure before the introduction of modern imaging technology. Thus, lesser number of complications can be expected with these techniques.

Every dentist and patient must look forward to such technologies in order to improve the success rate of dental implant placement procedures.

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