Understanding of language is controlled by Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area is in command of motor functions related to speech. During brain surgeries it is imperative to protect these areas; otherwise, any slight damage to any one of these areas…
Melanoma is the most common skin cancer in the United States. It can be cured if detected in early stages. It is very invasive that is why the prognosis is poor if detected in later stages. Thanks to the invention…
It is said that the absolute skill of war is to subdue the enemy without warfare; is it possible? Let’s see! When you glance at the history of tools and gadgets over the last many decades, you apprehend that it has to…
Mammo Coach - an innovative corporation and the creation of Dr. Markus Holzhauer, a radiologist, intends to present online coaching modules that permit the partakers to bring in CME (Continuing Medical Education) recognition and perk up their skills of screening mammography. The…
The scheme known as Mobile Ultrasound Patrol makes onsite Ultrasonography feasible for expecting females, at the Moroccan rural communities, near the beginning of the current year. The Wireless Reach program from the organization known as Qualcomm intends to bring wireless…
Can you believe that a technology with superior features could be handy and inexpensive and yet such that you could depend on it with full trust and confidence? What’s more? Not only does it validates a real-time moving three dimensional…