MRI Detects Heart Scars without Kidney Damage

  • August 25, 2020
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Researchers from the University of Warwick has found new MRI machine which may help to spot scar muscles of heart without damaging Kidneys. In a traditional method before scanning they will give a dose of gadolinium which may affect kidney function.

According to the research the new 3D MRI technique is less stressful and more safe when compared to traditional MRI technique. This new technique calculates strains on the heart muscles without damaging other organs. Usually MRIs are mainly used to diagnose cardiac diseases such as cardiomyopathy, heart attacks, irregular heartbeats.

In a traditional method when a person goes through MRI scan they will give a dose of gadolinium which may react magnetic field of the scanner and produce an image of the protons in the metal. The dose of gadolinium mostly affects other parts of the body particularly the risk of Kidney failure.

This new 3D MRI technique involves:

  • A numerically stable technique of LV myocardial tracking.
  • A 3D extension of local weighted mean function to transform MRI pixels.
  • A 3D extension of the HTM(hierarchical template matching) model for myocardial tracking problem.

Therefore, this new 3D MRI technique does not need any dosage of gadolinium, as it tracks the heart naturally. Also, this MRI technique takes away stress from the patients.

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