New Cone Beam CT Scan System from SOREDEX

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SOREDEX imaging systems from Finland are well known for:

  1. State of the art technology
  2. Standards that are widely recognized
  3. Effortlessness
  4. Cost-effectiveness
  5. Investigative performance which is patient affable
  6. Exceptional clinical results

Recently, it has launched Cone Beam CT system SCANORA 3Dx, meant for areas of extensive relevance such as:

  1. Single dental implant arrangement with miniature field of view
  2. ENT examinations
  3. Dento- maxillofacial examinations
  4. Cranial examinations
  5. Imaging of the entire skull  with additionally vast field of view
cbct imaging

The unit contains 8 user selectable fields of view each single one with its characteristic functions. The SCANORA® 3Dx is the most recent imaging expertise in which the 3D detector is a huge unstructured Silicon horizontal pane for obtaining high resolution projection images. The reconstruction method SARA creates 3D volumes out of these projection images. Precise patient poise is attained with more advanced laser lights and exploration plans.

SOREDEX Has A Vision

It may not be out of place to mention here that SOREDEX medical imaging systems are built up in close collaboration with chief ENT and Dento-maxillofacial experts at the Universities and hospitals across the globe. As a consequence the SOREDEX keeps on accomplishing a profound awareness regarding the sophisticated clinical necessities. With the help of global radiology cohorts, SOREDEX meticulously tags along the newest treatment guiding principles as well as best performances. Their worldwide distributor system is methodically educated to enable their workforce to readily give the most excellent presentations along with finest maintenance for their systems.

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