Why MRI Scan senses Breast Cancer Better

  • September 4, 2020
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According to a recent study researchers found Breast MRI has a high sensitivity for PABC and changes the surgical management of PABC patients. Researchers reviewed 53 patients MRI images who were pregnant or within a year of pregnancy and had a newly diagnosed breast cancer. Nine of the patients presented while pregnant, the remaining 44 patients presented within a year of being pregnant. “These findings may emphasize the role of imaging in the workup of a palpable abnormality in a pregnant or postpartum patient, because clinical history may not reliably indicate the risk of breast cancer in this population,”.

Only one small study to date has reported the appearance of PABC on MRI and that study reported findings for only five patients. The present study of 53 patients with pregnancy – associated breast cancer who underwent breast MRI. Breast MRI is normally not recommended during pregnancy due to “insufficient safety data”. Breast MRI is considered safe for postpartum patients. 

Myers et al. wrote. “It is therefore acceptable for a lactating patient to continue breastfeeding after receiving IV gadolinium. Nonetheless, if a patient is concerned about her infant’s exposure to this very small amount of gadolinium, the milk may be discarded for up to 24 hours.”

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