Over the past few years teleradiology has been growing and improving step by step with better technologies. Radiologists had been doing equally well with offsite reporting as compared to on-site reporting.
Among other health services teleradiology has marked its place distinctively but with a much lesser importance. But after the arrival of the deadly coronavirus pandemic it has been recognized as an additional dimension in the health service with huge importance.
Teleradiology deals in a different format which is why sometimes it doesn’t fit in the usual architecture of the healthcare process.

It has its own limitations and success. Limitations include the unavailability of radiologists at the healthcare center which leads to lack in communication with other physicians and patients, also sometimes while off-site reporting the technologies required for a particular reporting prove to be inefficient.
But at the same time it has a huge success rate especially in the present scenario where virtual consultation is the ground rule.
In various surveys different renowned radiologists were asked to talk about the future prospects of virtual reporting. Majority said that virtual reporting has a bright future and it seems that this would stay in the medical industry for good. Whereas few said that this pattern should be considered as a temporary arrangement and should not be taken as a norm.
With the present picture one can clearly see the ease at which radiology has been managed with an off-site reporting but it still needs few more improvisations such as a standard format between physicians and radiologists so that there is no time lag between reporting and treatment planning, also the off-site reporter should be well equipped in terms of connectivity and software programs.
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We are a teleradiology service provider with a focus on helping our customers to repor their radiology studies. This blog brings you information about latest happenings in the medical radiology technology and practices.
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