Day/Night Teleradiology Service
Routine Reporting | Sub-Specialty Reading | Second Opinions | Backlog Reporting
Online Radiology Reporting
X Ray Reporting
Online interpretation and reporting of digital x rays by expert team of radiologists. Turnaround time starting from 30 minutes.
CT Reporting
Online interpretation and reporting of Computed Tomography scans by expert team of radiologists.
MRI Reporting
Online interpretation and reporting of MRI studies by expert team of radiologists.
Ultrasound Reporting
Online interpretation and reporting of ultrasonogram studies by expert team of radiologists. Very detailed reports covering all findings.
Mammogram Reporting
Digital mammograms are interpreted and reported by trained radiologists. Service turnaround time starting from 3 hours.
Dental Scans Reporting
We provide routine online interpretation and reporting of dental radiology studies like Dental X Ray, CBCT, OPG etc.
Nuclear Scans Reporting
Online interpretation and reporting of PET CT, Bone Scan, Renal Scan, Thyroid Scan, Salivary Scan, DRCG scan etc.
Cardiac Scans Reporting
Online reading and interpretation of cardiac studies like EKG, Echo, Holter, Carotid Scans, Stress Echo, Coronary Angiogram etc.
Coronary Angiogram Reporting
Online reading and interpretation of Coronary Angiogram studies.
Expert Cardiologists
Group of cardiologists from across the globe providing quality reading services.
Affordable Pricing
Get your reports at an affordable fees starting from 10 USD
Quick Turnaround Time
Reports delivered within 12-24 hours of study upload.
Comprehensive Reports
Very detailed reports covering all aspects of your study prepared by cardiologists.
Follow up Questions
All your prior questions and follow up questions are answered at your satisfaction.
Quality Control Protocol
Standard peer review process - accuracy close to 99.5%.
Our customers
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