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Why Computed Tomography (CT) is a Wonder

Computed tomography or CTscan is amongst the five chief medical happenings in the last few decades. Unlike the traditional radiographs, there is no overlapping of configurations in CT images. Moreover, in the course of CT imaging, an x-ray tube revolves…
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3D Motion Scanner In Dental Practices

3D motion scanner is a new addition to the wide array of technologies used in dental office. It has proven to be an easier way of crown fabrication as compared to the conventional crown fabrication techniques. This scanner makes a video of the…
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When Mammography and MRI Unite

According to a research investigation, MRI enhances mammography screening sensitivity among women who held BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 alterations. The sensitivity of the screening blend also is equivalent among those females who are more than fifty years of age…
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intraoral camera

MouthWatch® Intraoral Cameras for Dentistry

With the recent advancements in world of dentistry, the success rate of even difficult procedures is on exponential increase. The use of intraoral cameras has proven to be one of such assets. Intraoral camera has turned out to be a…
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prostate cancer diagnosis

Restriction Spectrum Imaging (RSM) MRI

We all know that prostate cancer is one of the prevalent causes of fatality in men all across the globe.        Pathology Of Malignant Prostate Gland. A new advancement of MRI promises to identify tumors of prostate malignancy,…
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bone fracture assessment

Using WhatsApp for Assessing Bone Fractures

WhatsApp Messenger is one of the most well-liked instant messaging applications for smart  phones nowadays. It’s not simply for talking or allocation of videos and photographs. This software can also be used as an investigative means for screening various sorts…
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