Siemens Biograph™ mCT and Precise Diagnosis

  • January 22, 2019
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With the new Biograph™ mCT, Siemens brings reproducible quantification to molecular imaging. The Biograph mCT provides precise measurement of metabolic processes and data qualification, including the assessment of neurological disease and cancerous tissue, as well as cardiac blood flow (perfusion)

The Biograph mCT incorporates Siemens’ OptisoHD (High Definition) detector system, which features a fine volumetric resolution of 87 mm3.  It features a 78 cm bore and a patient bed capable of supporting up to 227 kg with a PET axial field of view of 21.6 cm. The Time of Flight (TOF) and HD-PET is also included, ensuring fast, precise images with minimum radiation dose.

The system also features a patient handling system to address differential deflection, the Auto Cardiac Registration that automatically aligns CT and PET heart images and reduces variability between users, as well as Siemens Molecular and Anatomical Registration Technologies, which the company said was a new form of attenuation correction for neurological images that doesn’t require CT data.

Accuracy and reproducibility in PET quantification enable the physician to more precisely characterize cancer lesions, allowing for better staging and monitoring of changes in activity over time for more accurate assessment of treatment response and making cancer treatment more cost-effective. The Biograph mCT permits to quantify absolute myocardial blood flow in cardiology which will lets the physician to more accurately assess multi-vessel disease, making more accurate treatment decisions with minimizing risk to patients. In neurology the Biograph mCT allows potentially quantifies amyloid deposits in the brain, making dementia diagnosis possible and slowing disease progression.

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