Do you know that 531,723,243 person in the world is obese? And the number grows while you reading these words, every minute this number increases. Do you know that the money which spent on obesity related diseases equals small country budget?

The obese and overweight persons have a very small chance to be scanned in the Emergency departments, so if one of them get hurt in some accident, it will be difficult to transfer him to an emergency hospital with the required instruments.
Sometimes the hospitals use the supersized scanners in some veterinary schools and zoos which are used for animals scanning. Although it is a very humiliating thing to be scanned as animal, some of these facilities have laws prohibiting the imaging of humans. You can imagine the amount of suffering experienced by these people.
The NSH is willing to spend a lot of money to make these Giant scanners available for the obese people. These scanners have many advantages:
- It can handle the heavy weights ( from 160 kg to 300 kg )
- It can penetrate five times the amount of fat as normal.
- Provide good quality CT scans.
Over the past 15 years, CT scanners’ diameters have grown from about 2 feet to some 2½ feet. Generally, Imaging can be distorted by layers of fat, and more radiation is needed for bigger patients. Specialists are working on software-driven fixes. Of course, the best solution to this problem is to make sure no one gets obese.
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