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brain MRI

How MRI Scans help to detect Autism

Auburn University and the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Psychology have jointly researched to conclude that scans of the brain indicate autism signs that might provide support to behavior based autism diagnosis and also efficient early therapies in…
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radiation exposure

Reducing Radiation Exposure in kids’ Brain Scan

A team at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, consisting of pediatric neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons, has found a way that can minimize the exposure of children, who have a condition that entails them to get repeat brain scans, to dangerous radiation.…
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teleradiology practice

Teleradiology Evolving Into A Practice Management Tool

Teleradiology, though initially started as convenience services, relieving radiologists from an on call and overnight duties, have evolved into an entity serving the patients, radiology practices and hospitals. They offer a high quality and timely delivery of radiologic interpretations with…
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cbct imaging

How Cone-beam CT Gives Better Results

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) as the name indicates uses cone shaped X-ray beam for obtaining images using high quality detector systems, powerful computers and software programs with suitable algorithms. CBCT technology is preferred by many practices due to its…
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usg reporting

Ultrasound scan for Appendicitis Detection

New research showed that ultrasound scan is safer and equally effective in diagnosing appendicitis when compared to the CT scans. Appendix is a finger shaped vestigial organ found extending from the large intestine. Inflammation of appendix due to the infection causes severe abdominal…
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Brain CT Scan Imaging

New iPad App for CT Interpretation

A new iPad app for CT interpretation is a unique educational software application developed by Crit-IQ critical care education website for trainees, medical students or consultants. This provides a 3D appreciation of the CT scans with top quality resolution and…
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