Tag Archives: MRI

MRI Scan of Cervical Spine and Neck

AI – the best driver of MRI Scan Reading

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has always been the first preference for clinicians to get the absolute picture while dealing with cancer and heart…
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MRI exam of girl's head in an MRI scanner. Staff with a computer & a radiologist looking at the report

Scientists found new Mini MRI Scanner could diagnose knee injuries

Researchers from Imperial College London have found a new mini MRI scanner which helps to diagnose knee injuries accurately and quickly. Also this…
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portable MRI scanner from India

New Portable MRI Scanner from India

A team of Engineers Led by a 38 year old electrical engineer Arjun Arunachalum introduced a new, fast, portable and 1.5 Tesla magnetic…
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MRI exam of girl's head in an MRI scanner. Staff with a computer & a radiologist looking at the report

Mini MRI Scanner for spotting Knee Injuries

Researchers from Imperial College London have found a new mini MRI scanner which helps to diagnose knee injuries accurately and quickly. Also this…
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breast cancer risk

Why MRI Scan senses Breast Cancer Better

According to a recent study researchers found Breast MRI has a high sensitivity for PABC and changes the surgical management of PABC patients.…
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MRI Detects Heart Scars without Kidney Damage

Researchers from the University of Warwick has found new MRI machine which may help to spot scar muscles of heart without damaging Kidneys.…
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mri imaging

Higher accuracy of Multi-colored MRI Scanners

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine found a new generation of Multi coloured MRI scanners. These new MRI scanners use…
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mri imaging

Fetal MRI for Detecting Neural Tube Disorder

Recent study revealed that MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) can detect neural tube disorders (NTDs) which cannot be detected by ultrasonography. MRI complements ultrasonography;…
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mri imaging

Why MRI is a great Radiology Technique

For long, MRI has been the glamour module of medical imaging, owing to its noninvasive character and the delicate soft-tissue detailing it gives. MRI is…
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MRI vs. CT for Diagnosing Stroke Patients

Since last few decades, CT scan has been used as the most confirmatory diagnostic procedure in stroke patients. As compare to MRI, it…
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