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mammogram reading

Inpatient mammograms can improve preventive screening

A small pilot study was published in the Annals of Family Medicine in January, in which patients with low incomes were offered mammograms during an inpatient hospital stay, the results of the study suggested that such measures can boost the screening…
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Teleradiology service

A new subspeciality being demanded – ‘Screening Radiologist’

A treatment plan for any disease depends directly on the diagnostic accuracy, in the present scenario any pathology has to undergo some kind of imaging-based screening to reach the final diagnosis and one cannot skip the step of radiology. Despite…
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myocardial perfusion imaging

Due to the pandemic, a steep fall in number of SPECT-MPI exams is noted

There has been a dramatic fall in the number of patients visiting health care centers during this pandemic especially the early phase of COVID-19, the reason being lockdown and people themselves avoided any unnecessary contact. In the European Journal of Nuclear…
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teleradiology during covid 19

How has COVID-19 affected the teleradiology service domain?

Teleradiology comes under the umbrella of telehealthcare. The radiology experts interpret images and scans of the patients and communicate with the physicians. Today, even the world of health is digitized, and hence it allows this domain to work from remote…
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Evolution of Radiology and its Applications

The evolution of radiology has big stories behind it, many scientists worked hard day and night to make us stand where we are today. It is great to deal with the present advanced technologies but at the same time, the…
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brain MRI

Scan the Pathway of Fatigue through MRI

Fatigue is commonly known as a physiologic process which is a result of lactic acid accumulation in muscles, but the origin of fatigue is seldom known. The feelings for fatigue arise in the brain as the outcome of the balance…
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