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MRI brain

Study showed that human thoughts can be decoded with functional FMRI

Action speaks louder than words and both are controlled by your thoughts, so just imagine what if someone’s thoughts are revealed. Sounds impossible but the team of scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh led by Dr. Marcel Just has…
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AI in healthcare

How AI helps to solve No-Show Appointments

The healthcare industry had been facing a loss due to the open or no show slots. When considered individually, a patient's no show may not appear as a topic of concern but when the data was evaluated for an annual…
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brain MRI

Decoding Human Thoughts with Functional MRI

Action speaks louder than words and both are controlled by your thoughts, so just imagine what if someone’s thoughts are revealed. Sounds impossible but the team of scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh led by Dr. Marcel Just has…
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portable MRI scanner from India

Radiology Reading via Portable MRI Machines

In medical practice there are various situations when a much needed scan gets delayed for instance when a critical patient is not recommended to move due to several reasons, then scanning is delayed or in an ambulance where the patient…
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MRI Scan of Cervical Spine and Neck

AI – the best driver of MRI Scan Reading

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has always been the first preference for clinicians to get the absolute picture while dealing with cancer and heart diseases due to their fatal nature. With MRI high quality images can be obtained with greater precision…
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radiologist interpreting x ray during Covid-19

Radiologists too face the brunt of COVID-19

Besides being a pandemic COVID-19 has turned out to be a global psychological tragedy affecting the people in each part of the world. There are various symptoms seen in COVID patients differently, in different individuals but the thing which is…
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