Tag Archives: Radiology


Evolution of Radiology and its Applications

The evolution of radiology has big stories behind it, many scientists worked hard day and night to make us stand where we are…
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radiology imaging

Increasing Utilization of Radiology Imaging

A latest retrospective study that has been conducted to assess the radiological trends for emergency departments from 1993 to 2012 was undertaken by…
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cloud radiology

Merge Healthcare’s Cloud Radiology Solution

Merge Healthcare - the principal contributor of ground-breaking venture imaging hunts for advancement in healthcare. Its endeavor and cloud-based know-how for image rigorous…
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Coupling Radiology and Pathology

By making use of a patient’s genetics to better aim their drugs and treatments, the medical commerce has accomplished enhanced patient upshots. On…
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Increasing Popularity of Radiology Imaging

Although in accordance with the latest statistics, released by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, a  1% plunge in imaging capacity for each Medicare recipient(…
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