Image Credits

People vector created by pch.vector –

Background photo created by freepik –

X-Ray by from the Noun Project

CT scan by alrigel from the Noun Project

CT by Vectors Market from the Noun Project

Ultrasound by Ralf Schmitzer from the Noun Project

X-Ray by tulpahn from the Noun Project

Nuclear by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

Health Care by Eris Natansa from the Noun Project

angiogram by priyanka from the Noun Project

Research by Eucalyp from the Noun Project

training by MRK from the Noun Project

X-Ray by Prettycons from the Noun Project

about us by Mukni Jadmiko from the Noun Project

electronic health care by Bold Yellow from the Noun Project

FAQ by Vectors Point from the Noun Project

CT by Vectors Market from the Noun Project