Dr. Sukhvinder Singh
Dr Sukhvinder Singh is a certified cardiologist from India. Having done MBBS, MD and DM cardiology, he is practicing Cardiology for last 12 years. He has worked at some of the best institutions in Delhi like St. Stephen Hospital and Delhi Heart and Lung Institute with exposure to all kind of cardiac cases. He is on editorial board many journals including International Journal of Diagnostic Imaging and Indian Journal of Cardio Biology and Clinical Sciences. He is Review board member for cardiology and cardiovascular sciences for many international journals. He has more than 15 papers in various national and international journals to his credit. He has expertise in reporting of coronary angiogram, angioplasty, echocardiography, holter monitoring, ECG, TMT etc. He is working as a Tele-Cardiologist for more than 4 years.
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